Hello! I’m Amy, the daughter half of Canary Street Crafts. I’m so glad you’re here!
The short version:
I’m married to my husband, Chris, and we have 4 boys. I’ve been a stay at home mom since early 2014.
This is Chris and I on our wedding day
These are our youngest boys, Sam and Max
In addition to Sam and Max, we have two teenage boys. In typical teenage style, they have no desire for me to post pictures of them on this blog or say much about them. So I’ll only say they’re both great kids and really good big brothers to the smaller two, and maybe someday they’ll let me post a picture of them :).
Want to know more?
I love to read. Some of my favorite books are Pride and Prejudice, Unbroken, Little Women, The Secret Garden, Lone Survivor, and the entire Harry Potter series. When I was little I had the Laura Ingalls Wilder “Little House” book series, and I read the pages right out of those books. If you’re on Goodreads, you can find me here.
Before I became a stay at home mom, I spent 13 years as a firefighter and paramedic. I don’t fit the image of a typical firefighter, and by far the most common question I used to get when telling someone what I did for work was “sooo, do you actually go into fires??” I put a lot of time and effort into my training and, after going into lots of fires, ended my career as an assistant chief, and the only female chief officer in our county. I believe in teaching young girls to work hard, and that they’re capable of going after whatever it is they dream of doing. I also believe that, as women, we should hold each other up and support one another. So regardless of whether you’re a teacher, CEO, police officer, garbage truck driver, nurse, sales clerk, stay at home momma, window washer, florist, soldier, or anything and everything in between, I high-five you sister!! YOU are amazing and I support you!
Laundry is by far my least favorite chore. I will go to your house and clean all your bathrooms if you come here and do my laundry. Seriously. And it only counts if you fold it and put it away too!
I want to be a farmer when I grow up, but we live in a subdivision with a smallish yard. So instead I built a little vegetable garden in the back yard where I can get my hands in the dirt, close my eyes, and pretend I’m a farmer. My 4 year old likes to pretend he’s a farmer with me.
More Randomness…
I love cheesecake. That’s a lie. I love all cake. But cheesecake is one of my favorites.
I was never a morning person until I had kids. Now my favorite time of day is early in the morning before everyone else is awake. I usually get a quick workout in, then have a cup of coffee, check emails and enjoy the silence before the chaos begins.
Winter depresses me. If it weren’t for the fact that I’d miss my parents and siblings too much, I would move to where it’s warm all the time.
When I worked for the fire department, I started and ran a fundraiser to send care packages to our troops. We sent over 700 care packages to soldiers serving overseas.
I love the beach, but I’m not a big fan of actually being in the ocean. Especially when I can’t see the bottom. Stepping on or brushing against random ocean creatures gives me the heebie-jeebies.
My husband is my biggest supporter and has my back with anything and everything I choose to do. When we first got together and I was working over 70 hours a week he was cool with that. After the birth of our youngest when I decided I wanted to stay home full time, he was cool with that too. He happily eats whatever I throw on the table for dinner, and on the days there is no dinner he grabs a bowl of cereal without complaint. He works two jobs and busts his hump so I can stay home with our kids. He is driven, successful, kind, funny and he always smells good. He also has the softest feet on the whole planet. Seriously, they’re freakishly soft. Like, gets a pedicure every day soft, and he’s never even had a pedicure. In the summer I go outside barefoot all the time, so compared to him my feet feel like they belong to a mountain man.
Starting this blog has allowed me to tap into a creative side that I didn’t always make enough time for before. Making things and working with my hands is a form of stress relief for me, and blogging about it helps me to focus and practice it regularly.
Thank you for being here, I’m so glad you decided to stop by! I hope you’ll check in with us often and get to know us a little more. I would love to get to know you as well. Please feel free to send me and email if you have any questions, or even just to say hi, and I promise I’ll get back with you! (canarystreetcrafts[at]gmail[dot]com)
If you’re on social media, I’d love to connect with you there as well!
You can find us here: Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter
To read more about Vicki, click here. To go back to the main About Us page, click here.
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