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Hi Vicki
I am so glad to see you using your talents. I keep up with you on Facebook but I seldom post. I love the flowers and the idea of not
permanently attaching them. How many grandchildren now?
Hi Jackie, Thank you for liking our page. Amy and I are very excited about our new venture. I have four sweet grand babies now…. Sam, Charlie, Max and Molly.
I painted the padded seat of a bathroom stool; turned out wonderful! Although I’m not finished, I want to stencil a lighter color, do I put wax on the first color before I stencil?
Hi JoAnn! Do your stenciling first. Wax is always last. Good luck with your project! If you’re on facebook you’re welcome to share a picture of it on our page when you’re finished. I love seeing everyone’s projects :).
I’m an old sailor and I came across your chest with the sailing ship on it. Fantastic job. Any chance of letting me know where you got the image of the ship as I would like to do something similar.
Thanks Tim! I found the ship image here: http://www.museum.wa.gov.au/maritime-archaeology-db/early-sailing-ships. Good luck with your project!!
Hi my name is Linda. We have just opened an online store specializing in glass knobs. Our website is up and running but our 40+ glass knobs will not be available until next month (Sept 2015). Check us out now for a sampling of what will be available. We are located in Canada but invite our US neighbors to shop in our store, (now is a great time with the US dollar worth almost 30 cents more than the Canadian dollar. Happy re-purposing!
How are you painting your graphics on your furniture?
Hi Debbie! We use an overhead projector for most projects. Here’s a tutorial explaining how we do that: http://canarystreetcrafts.com/how-to-paint-graphics-on-furniture/
Hi I have a question.I have a cabinet but it has some kind of paint on it what do I do and it is not real wood.do I stripped it with what and can I use chalk paint on it once it’s done.I will wait for your answer.thanks Vicki
Hi Vicki! I sent a response directly to your email but I got an automated message telling me it went to your spam folder. If you’re unable to find the email I sent let me know!
I’m doing a wedding for a family member in 2018, he and his fiancée are doing a western wedding and they want purple and turquoise roses . I have a hobbylobby store here in Asheboro,nc where I bought about 2 doz. of purple and turquoise roses. they have discontinued these at their store. I need easy step by step instructions on how to make burlap roses the small ones for this wedding. I never made burlap roses or any other kind of burlap flowers. thank you for any help you can give me
I also need instructions for the same thing…the burlap roses. Thank you.
Hi. I want so badly to see your posts, but they are so pale that I cannot read them well, and the turquoise on the links makes it completely unseeable. Is this issue ever mentioned by anyone else? I want so much to read it all and just cannot. Thanks for letting me know.
Awesome web site!! I thank you for the print friendly pages too!! I will subscribe for sure and share on FB and Pin.
Thank you, Mary! I’m glad you found us and I appreciate you subscribing and sharing :).
Hi ….
It’s Paula again….I wrote you before. I have a question I am hoping you can help me with….I painted my desk Paris Grey and wanted to add some stencils on the drawers. I did…only I used stencil paste. It never dried. I wiped it off, gave it another coat of paint, and the ‘oil-like” marks are still showing through. I was thinking of stenciling over my mistake with Annie Sloan Old White, but you, many times, talked about the Zinsser Shellac.. Can you guide me as what i can do to remedy this? Thanks.
Paula Ieraci
Hi Paula! Is the stencil paste raised at all or just the oily residue is showing through? If it’s textured/raised, I would sand it off. If not, you can definitely use Zinsser Shellac to seal it. It’s in a spray can, and it’s super easy to use. You would just take the drawers outside, spray a coat of shellac on the drawer fronts and let it dry. It dries super fast,, usually in 20 minutes. I usually do 2 coats, then you’ll need to throw another coat of Paris Grey over it. Once that’s dry you should be ready to stencil.
Hey Amy…it worked! I used the Zinsser Shellac and started over with Annie Sloan Paint and it came out just fine.
Also, I wanted to thank you for the list of hardware resources you added to your site.
Hi Paula! I’m so glad it worked!! Thank you for letting me know! xo
I would like to receive your weekly projects. I tried to add to your list but it did not work,
So sorry for the late response! I was on vacation last week with my family and left the laptop at home. I just made sure your email was added to our mailing list. Look for an email later this week and if you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to give me a shout. Hope you have a great week!
Where is it and what kind of stencils are you using for your furniture? We live in a VERY rural area and have no stores to speak of. I am trying to learn how to chalk paint and stencil. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Tina! I’ve used a few stencils from various places on some furniture, but most of the graphics are hand painted using the method in this post: http://canarystreetcrafts.com/how-to-paint-graphics-on-furniture/. I have used a couple stencils from Royal Design Studio. You can order RDS stencils online and they’re great quality but a little pricey. You could also check out Amazon, and if you’re feeling really creative you could even make your own stencils with a Silhouette machine. I hope that helps a bit!
Couple things. You can go into Pinterest, Annie Sloan Paint with Aloha Products. They have a wonderful topcoat that goes over Annie Sloan wax. I love it. Also, if you wish to take wax off of furniture without hurting the original paint job, you will need to take a trip to your auto parts store. Ask for one of their best brands of degreaser. It may cost a bit but it lasts for ever. You saturate some paper towels and wipe whatever you are removing the wax off of. After you have spread liberally the degreaser via moist paper towels get some clean rags and wipe all of the wax off quickly. I let it dry for about one hour and then take a damp rag and go over it one more time and it is done. This is so easy.
I hope i didn’t overlook if someone has already asked this question but what if the color of what I am painting over is a really awful color (mint green) and I am wanting to chalk paint with a version of blue-gray, will the color underneath “throw off” the chalk paint color or even show through any of the streaking effect of chalk paint?
Hey Angie! You may need to put a few coats on to cover the existing color but once you have full coverage the color underneath won’t change or effect the chalk paint :).
Good Morning, I am super new to chalk paint. I like the look of the dark wax but I’m doing a coffee table and you mentioned that wax alone isn’t real durable. Can I use wax and poly? If so what order is best? Thanks!
Hi Jody! It’s not a good idea to apply poly over wax. What you can do is use a dark glaze instead of wax. You simply brush or wipe the glaze on then wipe off excess and it has a really similar look to dark wax. Then you can poly over the glaze for added protection. Google fusion mineral paint dark glaze. They have a video on their website showing how it looks. I also like Velvet Finishes dark glaze, and I’m sure you can find several more brands that are good. Hope that helps!
Hi, I have just found your website and love it. I was looking at the dresser you did in warm white and gull gray, the one you kept. It’s beautiful. However, I noticed the flooring in the photo. Could you please tell me how you did that. So pretty. Im building a house and would like to use that somewhere if possible.
Believe it or not that’s actually just a photo mat made to look like a wood floor. I wish that’s what the flooring looked like in that room, but sadly it’s just boring carpet. How exciting to be building a house!! Hope you’re able to find something amazing for the floors!
Hi I just found your website while trying to get to the next step-I chalk painted a side table gray then used clear wax, let it set then buffed and used a diluted black wax get an antiqued look with light feathering strokes. It looks perfect! Not sure of the next step-if I need to seal it with a shellac or what to do?