It’s been a little quiet around here lately. Have you noticed? I thought I’d stop by and let you know what I’ve been up to and why you haven’t seen a new project in the past week or so.
First, I should mention that there’s nothing wrong. No one’s sick or injured. I feel like my first paragraph could give that impression, so I want to clear that up. I’m not entirely sure what the deal is, but I just kinda lost my painting mojo. The thought of picking up a brush exhausted me. Which is weird because it usually makes me happy. So I put the brush down. And my computer. And I guess I took a little break without really meaning to take a break.
Instead of blogging and painting and working on projects, these are some of the things I’ve been doing instead.
We discovered geocaching
Have you ever heard of geocaching? It’s like a giant outdoor treasure hunt and it’s so much fun! You can find more info on this website, but basically, people hide boxes all over the world (there’s even one in the International Space Station), then post the GPS coordinates and some clues online and other people can have fun tracking them down. We’ve gone three times in the last couple weeks and we’re already addicted.

Sam, Max and my dad on a geocaching adventure.
Our oldest son graduated and enlisted in the Air Force
We recently attended our oldest son Austin’s high school graduation. He joined the Air Force and leaves for basic training on Monday. We’re extremely proud of him and excited for this next phase of his life. This is a picture of Chris (my husband), Logan and Austin (my stepsons) and me at Austin’s graduation.

Logan, me, Austin, Chris
I started running again
I used to run all the time. Somewhere along the way after having kids I just stopped. There just never seemed to be enough time for it and/or I was too exhausted to think about it. For the past few weeks I’ve been throwing Max in the jogging stroller and going for a jog in the afternoons after I drop Sam off at kindergarten. (Although now that Sam is off for the summer, I’ll need to change my schedule around). I’ve typically used this time in the afternoon to work on projects and give Max a nap, but I can’t tell you how energizing it’s been to claim that time to work on my own health and wellbeing. Plus he still takes a nap, falling asleep in the stroller before we get our first mile in.

Sweaty post-workout selfie with Max

Stroller naps are the best.
In addition, we’ve been hitting the pool, reading (Sam is massively interested in books at the moment and I want to keep that going), and having campfires with the neighbors.
And guess what happened yesterday? I suddenly felt like painting a table. So I did. And it was fun again. Then I got the computer out and put together this blog post. I feel energized and ready to tackle a few projects.
Here’s a sneak peek of the table we’re working on and will be sharing on the blog this coming Wednesday.
So that’s what I’ve been up to, and I really just wanted to check in with you guys before the week ended. We’re having a going away party for Austin on Sunday, but I’ll be back next week with some new projects and tutorials. I hope you’re having a fantastic weekend!
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Yea! Glad you are refreshed! Ready to this lovely table up close!
Thanks Linda!!
So glad to hear all is well. “Me” time is essential and yours sound like you had neat times! Congratulations go Austin on his graduation and amazing life choice! Love the look of this table and the stenciling on top. Will look forward to the reveal. Thanks for sharing and reminding us all that family and stepping back from all the hubbub are so very important to health and happiness! God bless you and yours!
Thanks so much, Kris! Hope you have a great weekend :).
Dearest Amy – so glad you listened to your inner voice and took a mini break! Sometimes, you just need to figure out what is right for yourself at the moment. It seems to that you have some big things going on in yoyr lift right now. There is nothing wrong with hitting the pause button on life! So glad you rediscovered running! Super happy of yoyr new discovery of geocaching! Love the teaser photo and we are very happy you picked up the paintbrush! Cheers to a fabulous weekend! Much love,
Love you both! xo
Sometimes you just need to take a break from it all. Then you can start anew! So good for you!
Thank you, Florence! Hope you have a great weekend!
Amy, so proud of you for taking the time to slow down and enjoy your priorities! Your kids are so cute and I can’t believe your oldest is off to basic. That is crazy! Love that you’re running again and going treasure hunting in nature. You’re going to have one fabulous summer – super excited for you, CoCo
Thanks, CoCo! We’re definitely planning to have an awesome summer! I’m intentionally not pre-planning a lot of activities so we can just chill out, go to the pool, the zoo, the park… have picnics and make popsicles… just have fun :). Hope you’re feeling better too, my friend :).
I get you. I seemed to lost my urge to create. It was a big part of me & my day. But I care for my dad and it has taken a lot out of me. We also do a lot of volunteer work and it had overtaken our lives, again.
So we backed off our volunteering as of last weekend and I’ve had a talk with my dad’s doctor.
My hunny bunny built me a she shed and my goal is to get out there and loose myself in what makes me feel good.
Congratulations on your son’s choice to serve his country. Our nephew graduates next week and has signed up for the Marines. Young people amaze me!!
Here’s to paint in our hair & nails!
I think it’s wonderful that you take care of your dad and spend so much time volunteering and serving others. I’m glad you were able to recognize the need to scale back too. Sending you big hugs and I hope your awesome she shed helps you get some of that creativity back. And please tell your nephew we thank him for his service. We are grateful for him!
Amy, so glad to hear all is well with you and your family. I certainly can relate to your loss of mojo. It happens to everyone. Loved the pictures of your family. Max is getting big. Love how your table looks. Will be looking forward to seeing it finished next week. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy Austin’s party. Tell your mom hi from me. So glad you are feeling better my friend. I think of you often. Hugs!!!
Thank you, Donna! Max is getting big. He’s excited to start preschool next year and already has his backpack :). Hope you are well and hope you have a great weekend!!
I so understand where you are coming from. I too sometimes just need to take a break and recharge. My family LOVES to Geocache! My parents got us started several years back and got us all hooked. What is great about it is you can stay in your own town when you are just looking for something to do or travel distances to explore new areas. When we go on vacations we always plan a day of Geocaching on our trip. Great fun!!!
We’re going to North Carolina in August and already planning to search for a few while we’re there :).
I am a painter too and I can relate. I Love painting but sometimes I get burned out. Taking a break is the best thing you can do. ❤Cynthia
It just happens sometimes, doesn’t it? Mostly when I’m painting a lot for other people. I do better when I’m just painting for fun and it isn’t “work”. 🙂
I missed your posts, Amy, but SO glad you took this little time off!! I loved reading this and glad to know your family is doing great! Wish I could run alongside you… although I am afraid we would have to slow down with all the talking going on! Congrats to Austin! And your family is beautiful! xox
It’s true! We’d definitely be chatting too much to get any real exercise in :).
I’ve never heard of geocaching before… and have now looked it up. Just wanted to say thanks for that, because I feel like if I start I’ll be addicted! (Although, I think it will be a good way to get out of the house… haha!)
I can almost guarantee you’ll be addicted but it really is so much fun! I hope you try it soon :).
I just discovered your site. First, thank you, I’m so inspired about the projects and most of all about the information you share and your honest and friendly approach. I feel like I have two new talented friends!
Barbara Pietsch
I loved reading your comment, Barbara! I’m so glad you found us and I hope you stop back often!
We all have these times when we just need a time out… happy all is well…glad you are back.